Com sede no Instituto Smithsoniano de Washington, está no ar a Enciclopédia da Vida, (EOL, na sigla em inglês) um projeto que pretende disponibilizar, na internet, informações sobre todas as especies animais existes. Por enquanto disponível apenas em inglês.

O texto a seguir foi copiado da página incial da EOL:

What is EOL?

Welcome to the first release of the Encyclopedia of Life portal.
This is the very beginning of our exciting journey to document all
species of life on Earth.

Comprehensive, collaborative, ever-growing, and personalized, the
Encyclopedia of Life is an ecosystem of websites that makes all key
information about all life on Earth accessible to anyone, anywhere in
the world. Our goals are to:

  • Create a constantly evolving encyclopedia that lives on the Internet, with contributions from scientists and amateurs alike.
  • Transform the science of biology, and inspire a new generation of
    scientists, by aggregating virtually all known data about every living
  • Engage a wide audience of schoolchildren, educators, citizen
    scientists, academics and those who are just curious about Earth’s
  • Increase our collective understanding of life on Earth, and safeguard the richest possible spectrum of biodiversity.

In this first version of the portal, you will find:

  • About 25 exemplar species pages.
    These pages show the kind of rich environment, with extensive
    information, to which all the species pages will eventually grow. These
    pages have been authenticated (endorsed) by scientists.
  • Tens of thousands of additional species pages. These pages are authenticated, but do not contain the rich array of information found on the exemplar pages.
  • About 1 million minimal species pages contain the
    scientific and common names for a species and often have a distribution
    map, but lack other authenticated information.

Luiz Afonso Alencastre Escosteguyeducação ambientalFaça a sua partenotíciasprojetoswebCom sede no Instituto Smithsoniano de Washington, está no ar a Enciclopédia da Vida, (EOL, na sigla em inglês) um projeto que pretende disponibilizar, na internet, informações sobre todas as especies animais existes. Por enquanto disponível apenas em inglês. O texto a seguir foi copiado da página incial da...Antes de falar, pense! Antes de pensar, leia!